The Unexpected part of Life is a project, which intends to create a parallel narration not only about specific places but about them in relation to the world. Celeste lives in a constant journey, looking for the subtle Unexpectedness in every step, in every place. Life is about seeing through things. So far she has made three chapters about this project that is probably going to last all her life.
Using the resource of layers, I overlapped a piece of my work over the conventional view of railroads, workers, cars. The collage was made by using a ‘non recognizable’ piece of work between the viewer and the everyday action which happens in the back-scene.
My hand-made work is present in one simple shape, functioning as a frame, as a subject of separation between the Expected part of life and the Unexpected one.
By this mechanism I attempt to suggest which could be the interactive role of the artist with society, how the personal view can be related with the common space, provoking a new composition, new meanings, and also new ways of conceived time, space and ways of interaction.